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From small to midsize companies as well as marketing firms & ad agencies:

Areas of Expertise include Automotive, B2B, Cellular Phones, Creative Boutiques, Fast Food, Financial, Home Building and Maintenance, Home Interiors, Hospitality, Mature Market, Non-Profit, Packaged Goods, Retail, Tax Services, and Travel and Leisure.

Case Studies

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The Arthritis Foundation



The Arthritis Foundation needed to develop a national program targeting Women 30+ with Rheumatoid Arthritis, their families and their caregivers. The goal was to generate orders for “Let’s Talk RA” communication kits in order to better educate the patients.


National magazines were recommended as the media of choice. The titles utilized were selected based on their ability to deliver the target audience, editorial compatibility, rate negotiations and added value.

The campaign included a Full Page, 4c ad and a BRC (Business Reply Card). Readers were asked to visit the Arthritis Foundation’s website, call the 800# or mail in the BRC in order to receive a Communication Kit and to measure the campaign’s performance.


Since the campaign’s inception in 2008, print ad response has grown more than 12% despite economic downturn and a flat budget. The percent of respondents who “opted in” for more information from the sponsors has also grown each year.

The Arthritis Foundation has been able to increase awareness of the disease, educate its sufferers, generate interest in learning more from those who treat the disease … all for less than $30 per inquiry.

Zounds Hearing



Zounds Hearing is a manufacturer and retail company of hearing aids. They were in need of building their brand and line of hearing aid products. Additionally, the goal was to generate local traffic to their 30+ retail centers throughout the U.S. and reduce the overall cost-per-acquisition. The target audience was the Mature Market, Adults 65+ with a secondary emphasis on their caregivers and influencers, primarily Boomer age children.


An analysis was conducted to measure the top media choices of prospects within a 10 to 15 mile radius of each Zounds center. A combination of major daily and community newspapers plus community publications targeting nearby active adult residences were utilized as the primary media. Quarter page, b/w and 2 color ads ran weekly in the major dailies. Full & Half page, 4c ads ran in the community publications and magazines.

Additionally, a highly targeted spot television schedule was developed to launch the annual campaign utilizing local cable networks, game shows and the Noon News to maximize the budget. The call to action was to schedule an appointment at the neighborhood Zounds hearing centers.


Local Zounds hearing centers saw an increase in booked appointments, the company opened 5 new facilities and reduced their overall cost-per-acquisition for their hearing aid products by over $200 per acquisition due to the success of the local marketing campaigns.

RoomMates Peel & Stick

RoomMates Peel & Stick


York Wallcovering’s RoomMates Peel & Stick division wanted to grow their business to the Youth market. The task was to create a national awareness campaign and generate sales for their new line of wall décor featuring children’s favorite comic book heroes, television and movie action figures (e.g., Star Wars, Spiderman, The Hulk, Miss Kitty, Toy Story, Sesame Street, Scooby Doo, Cinderella and others.)


A combination of National magazines were recommended targeting Moms of school age children. The list included OK!, US Weekly, Star, InTouch and Scholastic Parent & Child.

The campaign included a Full Page, 4c ad featuring the new designs. Readers were asked to visit the company’s website or call for more information and to place orders.


Since the campaign launch, RoomMates Wallcoverings increased their sales by over 55% and slashed their advertising budget by 75% without sacrificing the quality of the media utilized and placement. Additionally, NML negotiated editorial coverage and bonus ads as added value.

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